Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Kids say the cutest things....On the way home from school today Cheyenne asked if baby's take bath-is. That is her way of saying baths. She does this with a lot of "plural" things. Like "Mom are there really ghost-is? If she wants to be held she says "Pick ye" It reminds me of Shakespeare "Pick ye up please" Too cute. When she was really little it was "Melmo" that made me smile. It was her own cute little way of saying "Elmo" Her vocabulary is astounding to say the least and she does say most things correctly. In fact, I can't really think of anything else she says "funny." But, she has this gasp of concepts that really blows my mind. One evening while we were driving somewhere Cheyenne said "Mommy, I'm really glad Jesus made me for you" I told her that I was glad too. She then asked "Mom who made Jesus?" I responded with "Well, God made Jesus" She said "Oh, O.K so God made Jesus and Jesus made me" She then turned to me and said "Well, than who made God?" We were stunned. My hubby was stunned and said "Hey, which came first the chicken or the egg?" Cheyenne said "Well, the chicken came first since God made Jesus and all the animals. The chicken came first and then laid a bunch of eggs" Not bad for a 3 year old huh???

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bed Hog

Can someone please explain to me how there is no room in my bed when my 3 year old crawls into it? She's been feeling a bit sick and rather than force her to sleep in her bed I decided to treat her with an evening of snuggle time with Mom and Dad. I woke up multiple times last night. Every time it was because of a foot in my face, an arm in my back, a foot in my butt......this girl is a total bed hog. I don't get how someone so little can move so much and take up sooo much space. I looked over at one point during the night and thought "Hmm.....two adults are sleeping on about 5 inches of mattress, curled up in some sort of ball as to not fall off the bed and this little princess is sprawled out sleeping comfortably." Guess that's why they say "sleeping like a baby"

I love when she sleeps with us. I love the extra snuggle time. What I don't like is waking up from these "snuggle fests" I wake up feeling groggy, like I got NO sleep. Every inch of my body aches from being forced to sleep in the same position all night. It makes me just want to crawl back into bed....hmm...there's a thought. Hubby is gone, baby is still asleep....can you guess where I'm headed????

Saturday, January 28, 2006


That's much better. Shower complete with soap and shampoo. As an added bonus, I threw in some lotion and sparkly, shimmer powder ( thanks Sarah) that's what I call clean ;)

What's that smell??

Last night I crawled into bed, snuggled up under the covers and noticed a funny smell. I smelled the pillows-fine. Smelled the bedspread-fine. Hmmm...I thought...what's that smell? I went to the bathroom and there was a strange odor in there as well. Went to check my email and again my nose is perplexed by a strange scent. It's following me I thought. I went back to bed and flicked on the tube. I raised my arms behind my head to prop it up in order to see the TV and that's when it hit me. It' s me. I'm the one causing this rancid odor. Now, that in and of itself is a little amusing. I mean, I'm the sort of person who exaggerates when I say "I need a shower, I stink" When you shower multiple times per week there is little chance that you will actually stink. Unless of course you do some amazingly sweaty workout which I have not done in a long while. But, I started thinking about when my last shower was. Hmmm...I thought....I just took a bath on Thursday. Yes, that's right, Thursday. Well, that was only last night...why on earth do I stink so bad? Here's why. I never washed on Thursday. I gave myself a good soak but there was no soap involved. That night, I wanted to, I put on a candle and some music and relaxed away. Somewhere in all that relaxing, I forgot the soap and shampoo. It was late by the time I figured this all out so as I sit here and type I am still giving off a lovely "i haven't washed in a while" sort of smell. I'll end by saying I'm on my way to the water and I won't forget the soap this time ;)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Losing it....

I know that I should be thankful for the many things I "do" have. Lately however, I've been in sort of a slump. I've been focusing on all the things we don't have. It's been a rough winter for us here...Financially, emotionally. I'm starting to lose it. I don't know how much more I can take. From the negative balance in the checking account to the numerous "collections" calls I've been getting. It's all just so much. I've been feeling the physical aspects of all of this as well. I can't eat, sleep, focus. I have tummy aches, headaches, neck and's all so overwhelming. To make matters worse all of these "ailments" cause me to neglect my "motherly" duties. I don't want to color because I feel 'sick' I don't want to go anywhere because I'm too tired from not sleeping the night before. I don't want to clean because somewhere I lost my "oomph" It's not only frustrating, it's annoying. I hate, hate, hate feeling like this. At night when most "normal" people are fast asleep, I'm here at the computer rotting my brain away. When I finally do manage to drag my butt to bed I sit and think of all the things I'm going to accomplish the next day. Needless to say, none of it gets done. This only causes me to feel like more of a failure. I can't even get my house in some type of order. This only adds to my feelings of being out of control. Every aspect of my life is in shambles. My checking account, my car, the laundry, the house...there are piles everywhere and I can't seem to climb over any of them. My mind is even cluttered. There isn't one place I can go where things are in some type of order. Some place to just go and attempt to clear my mind. I don't know what I'm going to do but this needs to stop. At some point, I know that I will need to call the doctor and discuss it with him. But, until there is money to do so I'll have to trudge by. At this point all I have left is prayer. There is nothing more that I can do. It's out of my hands. I sure do hope the Man upstairs has something good up His sleeve......

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Nothing in life comes with guarantees. There is no promise that you will even wake up to see tomorrow. There is a slight chance you won't even make it through the day should you be so lucky as to wake up in the morning. There is no guaranrtee for anything in day to day life. I accept this....most of the time.

My husband has been blessed with an amazing opportunity to work for Aflac selling their products. In order to do this he will need to complete his licensing exam and attend training seminars. He will also need to quit his current ( crappy) job. This means he will be leaving the safety and security of a weekly( most of the time) paycheck. Aflac is commission only. While commission only jobs can lead to prosperous income there is no guarantee he will make anything. My husband can potentially work 50 hours in a week and still come home with nothing. It's frightening.

Currently hubby is working as a carpenter. His ability to work depends upon what the current weather guys are saying. If it's too cold-no work. To icy-no work. To windy-no work. To hot-no work. So far during this "slow season" he's been off a combined total of about a month and a half. Needless to say, it's been a little "tight" and "stressful" around here. Added to this stress is knowing that if he doesn't "jump" at this chance there is no guarantee he will get another one like it anytime soon.

My husband is a smart and intelligent man. He came close to getting a perfect score on his A.C.T. He graduated from highschool with honors even though he rarely attended. He can sit and spew random historical, political and scientific facts to you without so much as blinking an eye. He is also quite keen at giving you stats on major league sports teams. He is a hard working dedicated man who any company would be lucky to have. He has never in his life been fired from a job for being a "slacker" That said, I know that even though this job will be a huge lifestyle change for hubby and is something he's never done...he has the ability to succeed. He isn't one to take a job lightly. He's not one to sit around and watch the hands of the clock go round to pass the time. He works, constantly. Almost to the point of being a "workaholic" He does this because he knows that he has 2 people at home who count on him. He would never let us go hungry or unclothed. He is truly an amazingly great catch.

I have said many prayers over the last few weeks. I prayed that we would be o.k. while John was out of work. It was answered. I prayed that John would get sidework. He had 2 prospective leads that had still not signed a contract. It was answered when 3 people signed up for John's services. I prayed that we would find someway to make more money so that we can get out of debt and stop living paycheck to paycheck. It was answered when John was presented with this opportunity to work for Aflac. At least that's how I look at it. You see, I am big into "signs" I prayed as hard as I could for a way out of this lifestyle we're living and not more than 2 days after I said this prayer the opportunity was presented to us. I hope that I am reading this correctly. I hope that it is a sign. I'll just keep praying.