Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bed Hog

Can someone please explain to me how there is no room in my bed when my 3 year old crawls into it? She's been feeling a bit sick and rather than force her to sleep in her bed I decided to treat her with an evening of snuggle time with Mom and Dad. I woke up multiple times last night. Every time it was because of a foot in my face, an arm in my back, a foot in my butt......this girl is a total bed hog. I don't get how someone so little can move so much and take up sooo much space. I looked over at one point during the night and thought "Hmm.....two adults are sleeping on about 5 inches of mattress, curled up in some sort of ball as to not fall off the bed and this little princess is sprawled out sleeping comfortably." Guess that's why they say "sleeping like a baby"

I love when she sleeps with us. I love the extra snuggle time. What I don't like is waking up from these "snuggle fests" I wake up feeling groggy, like I got NO sleep. Every inch of my body aches from being forced to sleep in the same position all night. It makes me just want to crawl back into bed....hmm...there's a thought. Hubby is gone, baby is still asleep....can you guess where I'm headed????


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