Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Today one of the mom's from cheyenne's pre-k class invited us over to her house for 'playdate" We went and she immediately started "showing off" her house. In one of her 4 bedrooms she had it set up as a scrapbook room. She pulled out her 4 finished scrapbooks and started to show those off as well. Now, I started one for Chey a while back but I never finished it. I started to get jealous of all her "memories" I don't even have one book completed and this chick has 4????? I was amazed. Where on earth does she find the time? I then realized that I have to start making those memory books for Cheyenne on a regular basis. I mean I know I have a ton of memories committed to memory but it's so nice to have them on paper.......I think I'll start devoting a few hours a week on scrapping for Chey. I know years down the road i'll be thankful I did.......

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


In 16 seconds I'll probably have finished typing this line.
In 16 minutes I'll probably go and wake my baby girl up.
In 16 hours I'll probably be sitting at my desk studying my butt off
In 16 days I'll be getting married!!!!!!

Oh, I'm so excited I can't even begin to explain. It seems that we've had a lot of "bumps" in this whole process. So, for those of you who are recently engaged; be prepared for a lot of "little" things to go wrong. I will end this list with my list of the "little" things that almost gave me a nervous breakdown......

1. We ordered a cake; bakery went out of business a week later.
2. The tux shop changed names and owners and they never felt the need to mention this to us. Consequently our order was lost; had to spend another hour and a half Re-picking out tuxes
3. Reserve a block of hotel rooms at a nice hotel in the city. My guests try to reserve and "ther e are no rooms blocked under that name"
4. Tux shop calls again to inform us that we made "poor" tux choices. Can we come back and double check it's what we want?
5. I ordered "groomsmen" gifts. I also ordered "usher" gifts. That was before our 2nd usher told us that he couldn't make it.
Anyone need a cigar holder that is ever so nicely engraved with the name "cody"?
6. My fiance has a HUGE family. I have a HUGE amount of "girlfriends" I have no sisters. He has a lot of brothers. So, we used my 2 brothers and all of his brothers. I did not ask either one of his sisters ( long story behind that but just know that revenge is sweet) Anyways.......I am close with his cousin...she says she would love to stand up but unfourtunately she can't for financial reasons. No problem. I proceed without her. Order flowers, gifts, ect. She calls me a month before to "suprise" me....she bought her dress. I Scramble around trying to find more gifts, as I'm a cheap-o and ordered a ton off of ebay. Still looking.....

That's all I can think of for right now. With 16 days left I'm sure I'll have a ton more of these to post before those 16 days are over and done.

Wish me luck. I'll need it.



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Phew...busy busy

With the wedding only days away I've been super busy. My mom and I decided to make the wedding favors; what a pain. It's so annoying. But, they're almost done and we won't have to worry about those any more. We have our final meeting with the priest on Wed. and the next time we will see him after that is the night of rehearsal. So bizzarre.

I finally received the materials for my distance learning medical billing course. It actually looks pretty tough. I'm sure I'll do just fine though.

Cheyenne is in bed. So is John. Now is "me" time. Reflection is best for me at this time. I am inspired by the eerie stillness of the night. SO, I'm off for the night.

Goodnight all!!!!!

Don't forget prayers for my 2 girls ( and the countless others out there who are ill)

Rebekah and Maggie

Get better soon!

Friday, September 09, 2005


Today Chey and I are going to be kinda busy. We have to go and find a birthday present for Uncle Chris and order him a cake as well. It's his 21st so I'm thinking something along the lines of.....alcoholic beverages???

I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago. At that time I had gone into the doctor for an inflamed lymph node. It hurt like hell. They gave me some antibiotics and I went on my merry way. However, I was so scared because he said that it could be a lymphomia. EEKK!!!! What??? So, I quit cold turkey....I'm so proud of myself but I still have to go into the doctors office next week sometime because the antibiotic didn't work at shrinking the node so they want to give me a sample SUPER strength antibiotic to see if that gets rid of it. If not I need to have a biopsy......Yikes. I sure hope not.

I need to go and wake the princess up. It's 9:15 here in the windy city and she's still out like a light.....have a great day


don't forget

These little girls are counting on our prayers!!!!!!
Hope you're feeling better little ones

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Feeling bad.....

Last night I was reading more about the little girl who is sick in Oregon. Her name is Rebekah. I was seriously addicted to reading her entire blog. Now, I am the mother of a 3 year old and I often find myself getting irritated at the "3 year old things" my daughter does. And, I think that's natural. I'm human. But, after reading Rebekah's page it made me think twice. I am so BLESSED to have a happy/healthy child and I should cherish every moment because life can throw you a curve when you least expect it. I remember when I had her and she was whisked away to ICU because of a lung issue; I was so scared. And, I really thought she would die. I was so afraid of that. When she finally got out of ICU I wanted to be with her every second ( even to the point that she slept in bed with me til' she was a year) because I was so afraid of loosing her. Well, time goes on and little by little I started to be more confident that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I think it's fair to say that really: I don't know that for sure. I feel such a strong connection to both little Maggie May and Rebekah. Maybe because they are so close in age to my cheyenne or maybe because I'm human and feel compassion. Maybe it's a little of both. Last night after I read Rebekahs' page alittle more...I went in to peek on Cheyenne. I gave her a big smootch and just watched my angel sleep. I started to think about Maggie, Rebekah and their families and just started to cry. I am not exaggerating when I say that I didn't sleep at all. I kept waking and everytime I did it was either Rebekah Maggie, or Cheyenne on my mind. I ask everyone who might stumble on this site to keep those girls in your thoughts and in your prayers. I want to thank Rebekah's father and mother as well for creating a blog and letting us into their lives. And, in reading about all of the stuff they are dealing with it makes me think twice about complaining about the little things that go on in my life. I should feel blessed to just have to deal with the little things. Rebekah, Maggie and families get better soon. Stay strong and God bless you both. You are both on my mind constantly.

Testing 1,2,3......

I know that right now I'm technically not a "Heavener" but I will be in a few short weeks. October 1st to be exact. Basically I started this "blog" to keep everyone up to date on what's going on up here in Streamwood. Really, I know people don't really care about Johnny and's info on Cheyenne that they crave......SO, here's the 1st update on Cheyenne. She turned 3 on June 5th of this year. One magical day in August Cheyenne decided that she would use the "big girl" potty and on August 29th the Princess started Pre-K. We were delightfully informed that our little "smarty-pants" is currently working at the 4 1/2 year level. I'll post a couple of her art projects for you all to admire; LOOK OUT Piccasso........ Other than that she's just you're typical 3 year old. Running around, getting into trouble. But, she's so darn cute that she hardly ever gets in trouble. Spoiled rotten.

As a final note....will you please keep these two little girls in your thoughts and prayers?They have touched my life in ways I never thought possible


God bless you two; feel better soon!!!!!!