Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Today one of the mom's from cheyenne's pre-k class invited us over to her house for 'playdate" We went and she immediately started "showing off" her house. In one of her 4 bedrooms she had it set up as a scrapbook room. She pulled out her 4 finished scrapbooks and started to show those off as well. Now, I started one for Chey a while back but I never finished it. I started to get jealous of all her "memories" I don't even have one book completed and this chick has 4????? I was amazed. Where on earth does she find the time? I then realized that I have to start making those memory books for Cheyenne on a regular basis. I mean I know I have a ton of memories committed to memory but it's so nice to have them on paper.......I think I'll start devoting a few hours a week on scrapping for Chey. I know years down the road i'll be thankful I did.......


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