In 16 seconds I'll probably have finished typing this line.
In 16 minutes I'll probably go and wake my baby girl up.
In 16 hours I'll probably be sitting at my desk studying my butt off
In 16 days I'll be getting married!!!!!!
Oh, I'm so excited I can't even begin to explain. It seems that we've had a lot of "bumps" in this whole process. So, for those of you who are recently engaged; be prepared for a lot of "little" things to go wrong. I will end this list with my list of the "little" things that almost gave me a nervous breakdown......
1. We ordered a cake; bakery went out of business a week later.
2. The tux shop changed names and owners and they never felt the need to mention this to us. Consequently our order was lost; had to spend another hour and a half Re-picking out tuxes
3. Reserve a block of hotel rooms at a
nice hotel in the city. My guests try to reserve and "ther e are no rooms blocked under that name"
4. Tux shop calls again to inform us that we made "poor" tux choices. Can we come back and double check it's what we want?
5. I ordered "groomsmen" gifts. I also ordered "usher" gifts. That was
before our 2nd usher told us that he couldn't make it.
Anyone need a cigar holder that is ever so nicely engraved with the name "cody"?
6. My fiance has a HUGE family. I have a HUGE amount of "girlfriends" I have no sisters. He has a lot of brothers. So, we used my 2 brothers and all of his brothers. I did not ask either one of his sisters ( long story behind that but just know that revenge is sweet) Anyways.......I am close with his cousin...she says she would love to stand up but unfourtunately she can't for financial reasons. No problem. I proceed without her. Order flowers, gifts, ect. She calls me a month before to "suprise" me....she bought her dress. I Scramble around trying to find more gifts, as I'm a cheap-o and ordered a ton off of ebay. Still looking.....
That's all I can think of for right now. With 16 days left I'm sure I'll have a ton more of these to post before those 16 days are over and done.
Wish me luck. I'll need it.