Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Yes, I'm still alive

So much has changed since my last post. For starters, I am pregnant with number 2. It was very strange because it was the one month that I didn't "feel" pregnant and had to actually force myself to test. I'm due July 10th and so far all is well. I'm rather excited about the whole thing but being pregnant with #2 is very different from #1. I am so much more tired, I've been puking my brains out and I actually have HAIR growing on my belly! Blech!

I've also quit working- it was getting to be too much for me to handle with being sick all the time and with being so tired. Since John has insurance through his new company and is making more money, it made sense for me to stay home again instead of paying daycare and outrageous insurance premiums. SO far being at home has been O.K. except for the fact that I don't really leave my house. I mean, I leave to go to the grocery store and doctor's appointments but other than that I'm here. Basically, my anxiety disorder had gotten the best of me and I'd rather stay inside than venture out in the cold, snow ect. I don't like this but it will get better once the baby is born and I can get back on my medication.

We are registering my baby for Kindergarten. She will go Monday thru Friday for 3 1/2 hours each day. I contemplated putting her in full-time but decided against that. It would be nice to get to spend all day alone with just the baby but then my guilt got the better of me and I felt like I was trying to "get rid" of Cheyenne. So, she'll just go 1/2 day. BUT........let me just say that I never realized how expensive it will be for us to keep Cheyenne in Catholic school. Tuition will be $210 a month for a full year, uniforms will cost me about $200 a year, books another $100 per year (for Kindrgarten at least) not to mention their mandatory "fundraisers" and fieldtrips........ugh! Oh me it is worth it to send her. I wouldn't send her anywhere else expecially considering we live in the crappiest school district in Illinois- I'll pay a pretty penny for her to get a good education!

O.K. hopefully I'll start being a little better about updating here- hope all my (2) readers are doing well!!!!
