Quick relationship update
A few days ago I posted about my brother and his girlfriend having some major relationship issues. I am ( sort of) happy to report that as of yesterday they are broken up. I talked to my mom last night and she said they got in some sort of fight. It reminded me of my high-school relationship; I was so jealous. My oldest brother got my younger brother a shirt that read "What girlfriend?" for Christmas. Katie ( the ex) got pissed off about this and forbid my brother to wear it. On Friday night he went out to a bar with his buds and wore the shirt out. She didn't know this until she went snooping through his clothes on Saturday. She smelled all of his clothes and when she came across "the shirt" she claimed it smelled like him and smoke. He is not a smoker so she guessed he had worn it to the bar. She took the shirt outside and threw it in the street. She then went into the street and stomped it into the ground ripping it. He of course got mad, took her home and broke up with her. All of this over a shirt. It's been a long time coming and I'm glad they are broken up. I feel bad for her in a way but I spoke with her this evening and she sounded great. You would never know by speaking with her that her 4 year relationship had ended. I'm guessing that they will eventually get back together but I'm hoping that they both learned some lessons in the process.
At 1:55 PM,
Sarah said…
What she did is childish, but I have to say I would not want my husband to wear a shirt (joke or not) that said "What Wife?", so I would be pissed too. But I do have to say throwing it in the street and stomping on it wasn't the most mature decision, but sometimes when you are angry and hurt, you don't think so clearly.
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