Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I've been doing a lot of thinking these days. It seems that the holiday season does this to me. Reflecting on things that have happened in the past. Today, I was thinking about how being an adult is both depressing and exciting at the same time.

I personally don't really get much for Christmas. My husband very rarely acknowledges that I do in fact deserve presents too at Christmas time. He makes half ass attempts to get me things but they are usually things that *he* likes but still considers a gift for me. IE: He will bring home Lingere and call it a gift for me. Uh, hello? I don't like wearing itchy, frilly crap to bed. So, it in fact is a gift for HIM. This year, he did do a bit of shopping for me at a store called "Chica's Secret" Um, this isn't some cultural version of "Victoria's Secret" is it? If so, dear John please take it back and go to Express. You can't go wrong in there. I love everything from that store. And, I'd much rather have a pair of jeans than a pair of thongs.

My family really doesn't get me much either. I already know what I'm getting from my mom and dad. I was with my mom when she bought it. So, no suprises for me this year from the family. I won't even get into hubby's family. They dislike me and have no problem showing me that with the gifts I get from them. That's all I'm going to say. I don't get birthday cards or mothers day cards....or Valentine's day cards....I try to tell myself that it's just a "card" but truth's not *just* a card. It's something nice, that acknowledges you and whatever special occasion it may be. I like cards. Just wish I got them every once in a while.

I'm not saying that my hubby is a bum. He's not; he just grew up differently than I did. He's still learning and I'm sure I'll have him trained in a few short years. I still love him just the same.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that for me anyways, holidays are nothing for me to personally enjoy. I don't get anything and I don't get suprised. is why it is also exciting for me.

I love seeing the looks on other people's faces when I give them a gift or a card on whatever given holiday it may be. But, I LOVE even more being a mother. I love getting to do all the cool stuff that I miss for my daughter. Read: I love being the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and eventually I'll love being the tooth fairy as well. It's just so fun to get to do all that. And, the reason I actually love being an adult come this time of year is because even though I don't get much.....Chey gets TONS and I love getting to see the look on her face when she tears into her stuff. I love tucking her in at night and hearing her ask if Santa's coming tonight. It's just all so fun.

SO, yes, I miss getting to be a kid and tear into my stuff. But, I am glad that I am able to do that stuff for my daughter. It's nice to sit back and see the look of pure joy in her eyes. And, when I see that look I realize that the best gifts don't come wrapped with pretty paper and a bow.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


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