Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Friday, December 09, 2005

Let it snow

I awoke this morning to find that we have a GREAT amount of snow on the ground. I can't wait for Cheyenne to get up to see it all. Yes, that's right: Cheyenne is a snowbunny!!!! She loves the stuff. I myself, don't mind it too much, except when I have to drive in it. You'd think that after 26 years of experience with it that I'd be a pro at driving in the fluffy white stuff. I have to admit, I'm not. Every year it's the same ole' thing: I slip, swerve and occassionally run into curbs. So far this year, I haven't hit anything and I'm knocking on wood that my poor tires will get a break from the curbs.

Christmas is coming and it's a time I usually look forward to. I'm still like a little kid. I can't wait to bake cookies, wrap gifts and celebrate. This year however, I'm dreading the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to Cheyenne's experience with everything, I am not looking forward to the family b.s. that seems to come with it. Last year, my mother in law called me up the Day after Christmas to let me know that we were expected to be at her house every other year. She explained to me that X-mas Eve is "her thing" and she's tired of having to share us with other family. She wants us at her house and she "expects" us to be at mid-night mass with her. At the time, I agreed, thinking that I had a whole year to worry about Christmas again. I agreed in haste. I admit, I also wanted to shut her up. I was at work and didn't feel that arguing with her about the subject was going to do any good. I spoke with John about it and we drafted an email explaining why we do not want to go there this year. I've yet to hear a response. I don't understand why this woman feels it is o.k. to demand things of her *almost* 30 year old son who has a 3 year old daughter and a wife. She called me a few days ago and for some reason ( the email regarding us not going there for xmas eve had not yet been sent) started laying on a huge sob story, about how Christmas isn't the same since her kids are grown and how since her mom died the holiday's aren't what they used to be. I didn't know how to respond; I just lent an ear and let it go.

I know some people would say" Just invite her to your place" This may seem like a reasonable compromise but let me tell you what happend 2 years ago when John's entire family came her to "celebrate" with us. Everyone of them arrived late. Their little way of controlling the festivities. They came in and sat down in the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room. They didn't go in to say hello to anyone and before we even ate they decided to exchange gifts in the kitchen amongst themselves. I was shocked and appalled and vowed to never have them over again. It was MY x-mas celebration and they took control of the evening by doing things "their way" John really didn't see the problem in all of this, which pissed me off as well. They were totally out of line and anti-social. I must add as well, that they are under the impression that my family is wealthy. My parent's spoil Cheyenne rotten during the holidays and recieved dirty looks from the "in-laws" as they gave Cheyenne her stack of gifts from them. John's mother is ANTI-toys. Doesn't beleive in them, thinks they are a waste of money. She doesn't believe in DVD's or TV either. Thinks they rot brains. I'm guessing she's talking from experience because I believe her brain is toast.

So, I'm waiting for a response and am guessing that whatever the response will be it will not be pretty. She's a control freak and will probably try to manipulate the situation to try to get her way. I'm dreading the email. I'm dreading even more, the phone call she will place to my husband. I'm dreading even more than that, his response to her. He's still a momma's boy and my feelings will be ignored so that her's will be spared. Merry Christmas to me.

Who knows when I will post again. I find that I forget that I even have a blog. It comes to me every once in a while and even though I vow to be more consistent with it, it just doesn't happen.


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