Mom's spot......

This is the diary of a 20-something mommy from Chicago. Sometimes this will be funny, sometimes sad, but it will always be real........feel free to post comments. Katrina

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I got my pink slip today. It wasn't that much of a suprise but I was a little thrown by it. For those of you not familar with my employment history, I'll enlighten you a little :

Back in May of 2004, I began working for a woman by the name of "Linda" When I first interviewed with her, I made it very clear that I would be bringing my daughter along and that if she were to become sick, I would keep her at home. The 1st time the kiddo came down with something, she was sweet as pie. "OH, poor thing. Keep her home and I'll see you when she's better." But, the second time was a different story. Cheyenne had contracted some strange virus. She had open sores inside her mouth, on her tounge and her lips. She screamed in pain if she attempted to eat or drink. She began vomiting and she looked lethargic and a tad on the blue side. I called the doc and her words were " Get her to the ER, she sounds dehydrated" I immediately called my boss and could tell by the sound of her voice that she was not happy. " Just take her to the ER and call me as soon as you're done" At the ER she was poked and prodded. The docs said that had I not brought her in she would've become dehydrated but I caught it just in time and all that was needed was a few strawberry popscicles. But, they informed me that her sores in her mouth were highly contagious and that I should keep her away from kids until the sores closed up. UH-OH boss won't like this I thought to myself. I put a call into "Linda" and she gave me a lecture like no other. " This is so unprofessional. I have a business to run, I can't have you taking days off because of some sores in your daughters mouth. Just bring her here, I don't care if the kids get it." I tried to explain that they were painful and that I wouldn't feel right if her kids got it and had to suffer. I told her I wasn't coming in and that I would have the ER docs give me a note. A note is what I got and it read something like " Cheyenne has a highly contagious virus that causes open mouth ulcers, high fever and diarreah. She is to be quarentined until the ulcers dissapate and the fever does not return for 24 hours. If you have any questions you can reach me at (***) ***-**** Luckily he had written a note in lay terms because I had explained to him the situation with my boss. When I returned to work on my next scheduled day I again got a lecture to which I replied ( in my head of course) WHATEVER. The next time she got sick was about 6 months later. It was in Feb. of '05 and she woke up at 5 am with a fever of 103.5. I called the boss and left her a voicemail: "Linda, It's Katrina. Chey has a high fever and I won't be dragging her out of the house today. " Well, the douche never listened to her message and called me at 9am ( when I was supposed to be there) " Where are you? I have to leave here" I explained that Chey was sick and blah, blah, blah and she hung up on me. She called me later on in the day to let me know that I wouldn't be needed there anymore. Whatever. I had stayed at this woman's house til' 8pm multiple times ( i was only supposed to work til' 5 the latest) I did her laundry, took care of her kids, did dishes, and took care of her ailing FIL for 10 bucks an hour. I was happy to be done with her.

Then I found this job. I had again made it clear that if Chey were to become sick I would have to stay at home. This arrangement was fine with the family because the father "worked" at home and could do his work via computer should I have to take off. I never did have to take any time off. But, this family was whacked out. Their daughter has bitten my daughter 3 times, the worst time being yesterday when "Victoria" clamped down on Cheys' arm and caused some swelling and bruising. Yet, they never did anything about it. They did not want me to take the kids to the park because " We did a search online and found that there are 3 pedophiles living in the neighborhood" Guess what sweetheart.....they're all over. THey did not want "victoria" eating sweets because " It'll make her sick down the road. We only give her organic foods" OK.....all things I can deal with. Not my style but whatever. But yesterday " Millie" came to me and said " I'm so sorry Victoria bit Chey. I don't know what to tell you other than you won't have to deal with it anymore. Clint and I have decided to place Vic in a daycare program. We talked to the pediatrician about it and he thinks her biting is because she's not socalized. So, in the best interest of everyone involved we're putting her in the program. Please know, it's not anything that you did. You just made us realize that we aren't the greatest of parents. Keeping her in the house all the time isn't fair to her and it's not in her best interest. So, next week Wed. will be your last day" WHAT??!!! O.K. that's fine. I gathered my things and left. I started to cry on the way home because I was fired from yet another nanny job. OK so it's only the second one but it still stings. OH Well. Thus is life.

THe funny thing is that I recieved an email on Tuesday night from a family who found my profile up on a website for nanny's that I am enrolled in. I'm in contact with them. I'm sure they have their hang-ups as well but from what I've read about them, they actually seem pretty "normal" whatever that is.


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